How to Achieve Better and Healthier Sleep:
A Comprehensive Guide.
Sleep is not just a routine to get rid of tiredness. It's vital for our well-being and necessary for bodily functions. If you're neglecting your sleep, prioritize it for better health.
It Benefits to Be Well Rested
Essential Stages of Sleep
The later stages of sleep that include deep sleep and REM sleep are the most responsible for refreshing your body and mind. Sleep disorders interrupt your natural sleep cycle before the later stages occur, having immediate and delayed consequences to your health.
Try our Sleep QuizKey Sleep Disorders Affecting Canadians
Difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep without waking up.
Sleep Apnea
Abnormal breathing patterns with periods where breathing pauses and resumes.
Uncontrollable urge to sleep during daytime and irregular sleep patterns while asleep.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Irresistible urge to move your legs while sleeping and can include painful sensations or muscle spasms.
Sleep Apnea Treatment
In milder cases, weight loss can help to alleviate some symptoms of sleep apnea and there are surgical alternatives for the most severe cases. These methods can help to reduce symptoms, but they are not guaranteed cures and can take time or be very invasive. Your sleep can’t wait. Clinicians recommend PAP therapy as it provides immediate relief to the symptoms of sleep apnea allowing you to address other health concerns that may be affecting your lifestyle.
A sleep test in the comfort of your own bed.
Try our home sleep test and receive a diagnosis from licensed sleep therapists.
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Begin your journey to better sleep today
We’ll be there to support your sleep therapy every step of the way. Your health deserves it. Get Diagnosed Now